Tuesday, March 27, 2012

STAAR Test Prep

I have been so preoccupied with all the craziness that goes with our state assessment preparations. Today was day one of testing, tomorrow will be another, and our last day of testing will take place at the end of April. I feel pretty confident that my students will do well. I think the kids are finally starting to believe that they will be successful as well. Check out their goal banners that they created for their STAAR tests. These will be hanging up in our room until we finish all three tests.
Pretty cute for construction paper and string, right?

Look how confident she is!


  1. Very cute banners! Good luck on the tests!
    Conversations in Literacy

  2. I absolutely love the goal banner idea. I have to take everything down for our testing at the end of April, and I would love to decorate my room with their goal banners. Such a wonderful idea!

    Thanks for sharing!
    Miss Klohn
    Adventures of a 6th Grade Teacher
